≪  Almanac :: Gardening & Grooming

ALMANAC・DAYS :: The East Meets West Almanac

April 2020, saw the pendulum swing back towards the humble garden - be it cultivating produce, finding solicitude or the dual benefit of physical exercise while tending to garden maintenance. Speaking of maintenance, the spotlight also fell squarely on our own shoulders to personally execute our Grooming needs.

No matter where you’re on your botanical/beauty journey - newbie, enthusiast or seasoned garden/beauty guru, we all remain perpetual students of Mother Nature.

Bridge the gap and tap into EASTERN + WESTERN ancient knowledge passed between generations and their ancestor’s trails and errors. We’re RE INTRODUCING our East meets West A L M A N A C ・ D A Y S. Our unique Almanacs combines the wisdom of planting, harvesting, fishing, preserving, weeding, pest control and grooming lore by moon phase and signs of the zodiac. Combined with the way of the Chinese Tong Shu and Solar Terms insights and auspicious days.



Cordon Bleu trades places with Covid Cooks in the kitchen - but without produce, plates are bare. Some folk are blessed with a green thumb, others lucky to have naturally fecund soil and others frustrated but determined to cultivate healthy produce .

If you need a guiding hand (complete with cosmic green thumb), our Lunar Gardening Almanac is just the solution. Uniquely packed with AEST or GMT daily lunar dates, times and timely tasks to bolster your gardening success. If your penchant is for seasonal produce, livestock intake and weaning or perhaps an apothecary of magical herbs at your finger tips tickles your fancy - then this Almanac delivers.

Our optional extras can be personalizing with your lucky money and planetary days, astrolgical magic info, auspicious pickling or baking times, Tong Shu and Chinese calendar additions.

When Partnered with our bi-monthly solar term posts we’ll share what plants to plant (with a dash of planetary magic if that’s your jam). Intrigued? Our Gardening Almanac is available for purchase for $12 ($18 personalized) for the remaining eight months, delivered via pdf email to print or save to your phone. Just email us below and you’ll receive a free sample copy instantly.

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#isohair is trending. Like it or Lump it we’re all custodians of our own locks for the foreseeable future. If you've mustered up the courage to let hubby apply a hair colour (note mine asked me to sign a disclaimer!), then it’s best to conduct on a day with the best possible outcomes. Anticipating the piebald pony or pudding bowl blunt cut look - isn’t your look of choice, let me introduce you to a tried and tested method of lunar Hair + Beauty Care.

Note the process of cutting, trimming, curling n’ colouring your tresses isn’t confined to the hair on you head. There’s also beneficial days for hair removal. So however you de-fluff - sugar, shave, wax - whatever floats your boat, do so on a day to retard growth and reduce the frequency of the arduous chore.

Our Almanacs also apply to post ISO; when Salons reopen. Savvy folk have realised they can save coin and get more mileage from their new hairdo by reducing visits; by choosing a time when your tresses grow less vigorously. Or vice versa if you want to coax longer locks.

If you're keen to try the process it’s available for purchase monthly for $2 per month or $12 for the remaining eight months, delivered via pdf to print or save to your phone. Enter your deets and we’ll send you a sample copy instantly.


So you’ve cultivate one handy ‘hidden tools’ that most gardeners - seasoned and newbies - are unaware of. Would be Gardening Gurus can also unleash another two tools to accentuate their garden whims by - applying effect Feng Shui Garden solutions and or using Geomancy to create your perfect patch of paradise. Emails us from more details.