About Feng Shui


The origins of the Chinese Metaphysical practice of Feng Shui go back thousands of years. The Chinese define the term Feng Shui, literally as 'Wind and Water' - wind denotes movement and dispersal of transient air and Water is natures life giver. Of course the term encapsulates so much more than two natural elements and the governing principles indeed appear complex to the uninitiated.

It's an observational based study of time, space, the environment and ancient wisdom. Essentially  a study of how humankind can ideally coexist and dwell in a built environment, set into natures surrounding, over various increments of time. The quest is to harmoniously cohabit in the space where the sky above unites with sea or land below - the transient space between land, water and the cosmos. Through this observation, the Chinese learned to arrange their environment in accordance with natures timely ways and most fecund spots thus harnessing, cultivating and protecting themselves.


A Governing Principle

Ch’i - Qi  is but one of many fundamental concepts of Feng Shui, and it’s the one you’ll hear mention of most frequently. It’s a little more mainstream in the western lexicon thanks to Eastern martial arts but it’s difficult to coin a definition that describes the intangible nature of Ch’i. The closest western term is energy. Ch’i describes natures vital Life force energy, that's present everywhere in the universe - it’s invisible and intangible. Like everything in the universe Ch’i operates in pairs like Yin and Yang. Sheng Chi is when it’s nourishing, harmonizing, it brings fertile success and abundance and the feel good vibrations of energy. The Opposing energy is Sha Chi - when the energies are unsupportive, disruptive and harming, they are the bad vibrations.  Both these Chi's,  meander and ebb 'n flow in the universe and course through our environment  - natural and manmade. A Feng Shui consultant assess the ebb and flow of Ch’i in the environment you occupy.

Feng Shui can be Misunderstood

Astrology and other genuine metaphysical pursuits can easily be dismissed out of hand by those deeming it as non scholarly. The response to Feng Shui is no different and accounting for it's validity can be a time consuming exercise for industry practitioner. Yet, we know it to be true and have witnessed it in action time and time again. But misconception remains rife, so to clarify - it’s not a religion, a cult, a style of zen interior design or the adorning of spaces with Asian trinkets. Good Feng Shui principles can be applied to anything from a postage stamp to your business card, from your bed to a hotel room, a studio unit to a sprawling winged mansion, a window box to acreage, a web business to a bricks and mortar shopping complex or an expansive horse ranch to entire city planning - the possibilities are endless.

As few text books survive compared to today's literature availability, we can see where confusion festers. This is in part due to the oral nature of Masters passing on wisdom to pupil and the poetic written teachings of classical Chinese – put simply things get lost in this vast realm of translation. True advocates of Feng Shui and authentic practitioners of it are perpetually adding knowledge to their repertoire.  We are custodians of the ancient wisdom and keepers of modern records – making Feng Shui thoroughly relevant in modern times and hopefully more available to everyone and - understood.


Different schools of Feng Shui

Another reason for confusion and misinformation can stem from which form of the discipline practiced by the consultant. There are many schools of Feng Shui, which even for consultants first training, can make it confusing! Sadly some are westernised and not very authentic.

Wendy respects the cultural roots of Feng Shui and practices two authentic schools of Feng Shui. Form school an absolute must to incorporate and recognise the topography, terrain and landforms of the environment and indeed the internal forms at play inside a building. The other school is the most comprehensive and considered the most authentically superior school - the Chinese name is 'Xuan Kong' or 'Fei Xing' - the western name is Flying stars Feng Shui. It is the most complicated and comprehensive school, based on numbers which factors in the influence of time and the direction of buildings measured with the Lopan - Chinese compass.