≪  Space clearing

What's involved

Space clearing is an ONSITE service and is not available remotely. We conduct thorough telephone consults (included in fees) in advance to access the most appropriate consultation for your circumstances. We send a mini questionnaire in advance of the Space clearing consult and a document outlining some actions to be carried out the day and night prior to the visit.

Amongst other rituals conducted on the day, a sacred age-old tradition called Smudging, will be carried out throughout the entire home/business etc. We use a combination of Rosemary and Sage in our smudge sticks. Check out our Blog post on why we use Rosemary.

Check out our pre consult info checklist and fee guide, prior to a consultation.

Prices :: from $288 - 488 AUD - price depends on dwelling size, email for quote.

Companion Consults

Space clearing and certain forms of Geopathic stress cross over. However, no dowsing rods are used in Space clearing, instead hand sensing is conducted and various other tools are used in the ritual.  We cannot remedy all forms of Geopathic stress issues at the time of a Space clearing consult , where as the reverse is possible in a geopathic consult. We also offer the following companion services separately.