Imbolc & Goddess Brigid

AT Imbolc, we celebrate the polarity seasons once more. It seems like yesterday we were celebrating the Solstices (Winter in Oz and Summer in the N. Hemisphere) but it was only roughly six weeks ago! Imbolc celebrates the Return of Spring. Nature's cues come with the sprouting of saffron crocuses, snowdrops or new tree buds. The first born offspring begin to appear - even the term 'Off spring' meaning 'OF' Spring references the season we herald in

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Lughnasa + God of Light Lugh

It's time to celebrate the Polarity of Seasons again. Phenologists will appreciate, when the dog days of summer bring balmy humidity, I know my internal barometer is in sync with seasons! The dog days of Summer coupled with the end July (or Jan in S.H), are both calendar and celestial indicators; a midpoint point between Solstice and the next Equinox and the heliacal rising of Sirius the Dog star. This crucial time on the Celtic Wheel of the Year is a time of Harvesting nature’s bounty, known as Lughnasadh, an Autumnal festival marker.

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