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Moving House - Feng shui style

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SOLD - No going back now!

The realtors sign outside says SOLD. Your to-do list is as long as the Nile. The removalist’s truck arrives in the morning and you’re still boxing your memories up, wondering which box to put your daughter's artwork in? Nearly everything on the list has a tick beside it and it’s your last night in your old home. Tomorrow night you and your family will be sleeping in your new house. New beginnings await you.

But wait; have you actually thought about what energies await you in your new abode? No matter whether it’s a shiny new turnkey home, a refreshed renovation, or a period home in need of a personal touch, your new home will have an energetic footprint. From a Feng Shui perspective it’s best to start with a fresh energetic space, unhindered by negative energy. So we have complied a mini guide of what to do in advance of moving.

Before you leave

  • If you’re a hoarder then it’s a good time to think of decluttering during the clear out. The energy you pack into the boxes will be carried straight into your new home.

  • Rethink taking old wedding gifts (if you’re now divorced), beds if you’re starting a new life with a new partner. Or perhaps someone was rather ill in your old home and their clothing or personal effects remind you of that time. It’s time to ditch the negative and keep the positives. If you suffer from paralysis by analysis when purging their possessions, try some Kondo or Kingston techniques?

  • If your former house is not for demolition then it’s a good idea to neutralize the energy for the new homeowners/tenants. Releasing old energy sets the scene and helps you move on too. It can be as simple as lighting a candle with some intention or burning high vibrational essential oils and mindfully packing and cleaning as you go about the process of moving home. Or on your departure, do a smudging ceremony if you feel capable of doing so. If you need assistance we can assist with a space clearing).

Choose an Auspicious Date

  • Choose an auspicious date for your move day. Book the removalist on a day where the energies manifest best for setting up a new home. The Tong Shu (Chinese Almanac) is a great tool with suggestions for house warming days, or days to avoid due to volatile energy. If you know your own BaZi you can go more advanced and choose a day with favourable elements that will bring harmony into the Home. A feng shui consultant can assist with choosing the best day for a move.

  • From a western astrology perspective it’s a wise idea in the main, to avoid moving during Mercury Rx (especially station days) and also under VOID of course moons and a move around a new moon is always good for a new beginning.

New House Prep

  • Many new homeowners never give a second thought of having a repaint done before they move in, but neglect to consider an energetic cleanse. So while you’re busy packing up the old home have a sacred space /geomantic clearing carried out in your new home BEFORE you move in. Homes have memories, just like humans, some good and some bad so it’s best to start your journey in your new home with a fresh invigorating start.

  • You might be thinking that the house has no possessions belonging to the former occupant. This maybe true, but there maybe fixtures and fittings, such as a cooker, which is a highly significant fitting in Feng Shui terms. Independent of fittings the energy inside the home will be present, maybe the former occupant was ill and the energy is very yin. Or perhaps the new build was constructed when aligned to inauspicious energies. Great care and attention is required when constructing a home, as the commencement date should start in a  benefic direction. 

  • A good Feng Shui practitioner will do a thorough sacred space ceremony by clearing, banishing and releasing the old stagnant energies and then follow up with an invoking blessing to invigorate the home.

Cross the Threshold

  • Try get to your new home before the removalist unpacks your possessions. Be conscious of the first steps you take over the threshold.

  • Enter via the main entrance and avoid the habit of using a garage entrance.

  • It’s customary the world over to bring a gift when visiting someone in a new house. However, the tradition is really for the land-spirits of the new home and the gift should relate to the actual house and maintaining of the building. Something new, like a pot plant that grows and nourishes by adding Sheng Chi is a good idea. Try also to have lively welcoming invigorating music playing and diffuse some welcoming oils.

Which room first

Your entrance helps you attract beneficial Feng Shui so it’s worth unpacking this area first. That way good energy is dispersed through the house every time someone enters the front door. It also creates an excellent first impression, should an unexpected well wisher swing by. Pay particular attention to the actual front door itself especially if it looks unloved. Insuring it is strong, clean and free flowing movement.

Unpacking & Placement

The box is marked bedroom and the contents definitely belong in a bedroom. But where do you position the furnishings and items?

  • Following Feng Shui ‘form school’ principles is advisable. Place beds, sofas, kitchen table and office furniture in commanding positions - a feng shui consult with help you identify the command position in each room.

  • Pay attention to where large imposing furniture pieces will go in a room. If you have had a feng shui consultation done on your former home and were advised to place items/cures in particular spots then these items will need repositioning or removal.  Old cures are for the old setting. New cures/remedies maybe required.

Home office & bedroom placement

  • If you’re an empty nester and have a choice of bedrooms make sure to select the bedroom with the best Feng Shui. Newsflash - This may not necessarily be the master suite!

  • Or if you’re tossing up between which will be a spare bedroom and which the new office, you will need a Feng Shui energy map (2d floormap indivating energy footprint of your home) to assist you in identifying which room to use as your new office. This is especially important if to you work from home and your office is your primary place of business.

And Finally

  • Paying attention to your surroundings is paramount when you first move in. It's like having night vision googles on, you see things that in time you become conditioned to and no longer see. Note things like where your pets or young children like or dislike to linger within the homestead. This can indicate both Sheng Chi (positive energy) or Sha chi (negative energy) hotspots in the home. See if neighbours or visitors find your entrance easily.

  • Finally it's worth taking a mental snapshot of your current lifestyle. Factor in your prosperity, luck, family's health and your employment/ business, if you work from home − as if any of these aspects of life change dramatically, when your house move may play an important factor in the change of circumstances.

  • A professional Feng Shui, Geomancy or Space Clearing assessment can assist in determining if this is the case. Of course having a feng shui pre purchase appraisal done in advance greatly reduces the risk of your home negatively influencing ones circumstances ◘

ⓒ Feng・Shui ・ISM

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