Feng shui ism

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Apple orchard Image credit © by Äpfel-Obstgarten


I’ve no doubt candy filled bags of loot and masks of the ghoulish variety are all that’s on the minds of kids. If Halloween fancy dress isn’t your jam, then here’s the download on the true meaning of Samhain. With some very on point cross cultural synergies with Humble apple.


Halloween or 'Samhain' (pronounced SOW-win) as Celts called it, was first and foremost a celebration of the end of harvest time; livestock and humans returned in doors and the beginning of the dark half of the calendar year began. Naive Irish speakers will know that the calendar months of May and November are called Beltaine and Samhain respectively (oh and August is called Lunasa). These are three of the four Cross Quarter days on the Wheel of the Year, Imbolc in spring completes the quartet. Witches know these markers as Great Sabbats. These power points are Midpoints or Culminating points of a given season - Samhain occurs between the Fall Equinox and Yule (Winter Solstice).

Bulmer’s orchard in Clonmel 27 Oct 2017 after storm Opheila - Jonathon Tipperary pics


Samhain commences Shadow time, and a celebration of the dead. Long before the morphed version of Halloween, seasonal fruit was used as a significant offering to ancestors past as means of appeasing any unpaid debts and for the afterlife on Hallow’s Eve. Pre-commercialist takes on Hallowe’en; it was apples, nuts and autumn fruits that graced tucker bags as treat of the day. And it was the Celts, that chose the humble apple as their symbolic fruit of choice - 'Samhain' was known as the 'Feast of Apples'. Back on 2017 after Storm Ophelia, days before Halloween on 27 Oct, the home of cider making Bulmers, in Clonmel in Co. Tipperary, Ireland; woke to find a Feast of Apples carpeting the orchard floor. Folk names for an apple are Fruit of the Gods, or Fruit of the Underworld. It’s said with a staff fashioned from an Apple branch, complete with bud, flower and fruit -all at once - it bestowed Cormac (Ireland’s High King) with the power to transcend to the Celtic Otherworld or Tír na nÓg. This talismanic charm was known as the Silver Bough.


Given the current backdrop of warfare, the following symbolic reference to the humble Apple is very on point. If your bandwidth for mainstream reports is at a low then this little simple offering is magically subtle. It’s fair to say the goal for Peace atm is uber palpable. And the humble Apple maybe just the ticket to illustrate the desire. An ‘Apple’ is called 苹果 píng guǒ in Chinese. ‘Apple’ in Chinese sounds the same as 平 píng, meaning ‘peace, calm’ therefore a humble apple is a hidden wish for peace. My table is decked with Apples at the moment.

Druid’s studded an apple with cloves (a pomander) as a love token - symbolic of enduring love. At Hallowe’en since the fruit is seasonally abundant folk oft practiced Love magic. Barnbracks; a teacake make with preserved fruits was traditionally baked at this time. A ring was baked into the cake and the first single lady of the house to find the ring in her slice was said to marry next.

Kurdish girl in tradition costume, fashions a clove apple. image credit - piperi-gemista.tumblr.com

I was also pleasantly surprised to learn of Clove Apples; a Kurdish tradition that also preserves apples with pierced cloves. The Kurdish tradition spans parts of modern Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. I‘ve read accounts that according to folklore, the preserved apples also served as peace offerings! Just loving the synergy. Think I’ve be reviving that tradition given the current climate in the Middle East and Ukraine. Coincidentally cloves are bring comfort to those bereaved.

In a few days time we begin November, and kick start ‘Pomegranate’ month in the Chinese calendar . The common name for Pomegranate, is Crathage Apple! While in Ancient Greece the jeweled burgundy delight was considered the fruit of the dead. It was associated with the Persephone and Hades myth. Persephone’s consumption of just six red seeds led to her spending half the year locked in the land of the dead.


While in China, the cultural customs of ancestral veneration occurs numerous times throughout any given year, but Qing Ming is a National day of veneration where various religious symbols of ritual purity, such as pomegranate or willow branches are hung up to ward against evil spirits. Qing Ming is the 5th solar term, the solar term folks downunder experience around this Oct period).

In the Chinese zodiacal calendar we’re currently in the month of the 'Dog' - it’s known a the Guardian of the Asian Zodiac. Typically Asian art symbolically depicts seasons, by denotes specific animal/birds with natural Floura or Fauna. Dog month’s seasonal expression pairs a Canine with and Pomegranates, which are equally as significant to the Chinese folk, as they are to Greeks - parables of death and rebirth. During Dog month another festival occurs called ‘Double Ninth Festival’, it also common to venerate ancestors at this time.

Back in ancient times, Ireland’s burial mounds, such as the Mound of the Hostages, a 5,000 year old burial tomb in County Meath, had their doorways opened and torch lit candles lit on the nights of Samhain, so ancestors could find their way home. The aforementioned Mound, like other Celtic burial mounds deploy Archaeoastronomy alignments, where the rising sun shines down the passageway twice a year, illuminating the inner chamber. The specific time of illumination is on the mornings of Samhain and another festival marker, that of Imbolc. The practice of lighting the way for ancestors alludes to the roots of Halloween costumes. Disguising oneself in a mask or costume was thought to avoid detection from evil spirits that could also pass between the veils.

Dog & Pomegranate seasonal painting.


Moons and Magic are never far from a ‘witch’s mind’ - midnight is known as witching hour. Labels aside, it’s commonplace for many, let’s say ‘conventionally minded folk’ to partake in a ritual of sorts to Luna on significant Calendar markers. Moon’s current phase (Oct 2023) is waxing, increases toward a Full Moon Eclipse on 29 Oct. Given It’s an eclipse it’s a classic NO/NO for rituals especially if you’re a newbie. Generally lighting a candle or a full tilt banishing ritual depending on moon phase will denotes the scene, theme and intention. Rituals can be the simple act of lighting a candle for an Ancestor. If you’ve already established an ancestral altar, then make sure it’s cleaned and ready for veneration. Altar placements are very specific, especially in Feng Shui terms - they can follow general directions or more specific calculations or auspicious sectors - a practitioner can advise on the best location on your floorplan, or according to your Auspicious directions - email us for advice. Or follow Wicca guidelines, or spirit house corners as practiced in Thailand.

Images via halfbakedharvest

Astro Mages keen to harvest plants or use specific planetary aligned plants should note if Luna is Void of Course in your timezone (always noted for magical works) on Hallow’s Eve. (Again the aforementioned Oct 2023 Eclipse isn’t generally advised for ritual work). Moon is Cancer on 31st Oct and enters Gemini at 2:07am (AEST) on 31 Oct.

Wise Wicca folk are sure to adorn their seasonal altars with a bounty of apples - said to represent an old soul, and homage to Venus, if romantic vibes are intended. A waxing Luna alludes to incantations of invoking and enhancing - if undertaken in the right practitioner’s hands. In fact during Samhain rituals, wicca folk will conduct spells in a specific direction. Sunwise is called doesil, (clockwise, in N. H) and a common direction for spell work. But when banishing or at Samhain the direction shifts to against the Sun, Ayenward - widdershuns, which is counterclockwise, in the N.H. In the S.H the natural path of the sun is counterclockwise (widdershuns), so this wicca practice is reversed. Note also on October 31st in the S.H the Festival of Beltaine is observed.

For the novice, here’s a simple ritual, magical use of an apple. Firstly cut the fruit in three. Then rub an area of the body that needs freeing from an illness or requires healing, with each piece of apple. Afterward discard the apple pieces in the ground to rid oneself of the illness. If you’re a skilled talisman/amulet maker then the wood of the apple tree makes an excellent longevity charm or magically imbued wand. Noting the night of the 30th is a Monday, and falls under the planet ruler ship of Venus- a union of Venus, which apples are astrologically aligned. Imbue more astro magic, by layering in Planetary hours.

Those favouring the Pomegranate for spell work, will note it falls under the rulership of Mercury. The fruit is typically used for wealth and good luck spells, and it’s juice represents blood. The waxing moon could aid in wealth charms or amulet. Or else pop a pomegranate branch over the door to prevent evil and protect one’s home ◘

👻👻👻 - SPECIAL OFFER - 👻👻👻

Every New Year deserves a fresh start. Bid adieu to the challenges that unfold in this globally intense year of 2023 and in the spirit of the Celtic New Year (31st Oct 2023), transform the vibrational energy of your personal space with a Sacred Space ritual. The four cross quarter markers are perfect times to imbue your space with vibrant energetic vibes. If you’re not feeling equipped to conduct your own DIY space clearing and you’re a Sydneysiders or NSW* Reader, then can take advantage of our Special Offer. This upcoming Samhain Festival marker is especially well placed for an onsite Clearing and Banishing ritual ready to welcome the new energies of the Year ahead. Email us now for an obligation free, competitive quote - SUBSCRIBER’S RECEIVE a 21% discount. Not a subscriber yet? Join up and receive the benefits starting today. Offer ends - Nov 31st 2022.

Find out more info about our Sacred Space Clearing or Feng Shui Consultations via links. Or if you’re after a long distance Feng Shui consult we can assist with our REMOTE FENG SHUI CONSULT. Or Interstate & International onsite consultations are also available.

ⓒ FENG SHUi iSM written in 2018 - updated in 2023

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