Feng shui ism

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Royal Wedlock or Deadlock?

*Re-posted 14 Feb 2024 - 1st published 18th May 2018*
A specific date system below is spookily accurate, one could even say verbatim. ..... MUST READ.

Have you ever heard of a Tong Shu? Pronounced like ‘shoe’ but No, it’s not a relation to Jimmy Choo - or anything to do with shoes for that matter. It’s a Chinese Almanac and farmers in particular, religiously reference it in much the same fashion that more devout folk reference the bible.

Almanacs are annual calendars, containing a host of information on seasonal changes, astronomical data, lunar cycles, etc. Observations over eons of time, highlighted tasks that delivered better results when certain days, times and astronomical aspects combined. Farmer’s yields were found to be better when they - tilled, ploughed, planted, pruned, harvested and sowed according to the wisdom of this agricultural handbook.

Like any foreign language tome, it can look a lot like an indecipherable minefield to the untrained eye - and to a westerner, a book full of Chinese glyphs fits the bill! Not unlike a sea of hieroglyphics, the encrypted pages of a Chinese ephemeris (Tong Shu) assigns eight characters to any given day of the year. The Chinese astrological zodiacal system, is more commonly known via the twelve Chinese animal signs. But the auspicious or non-auspicious nature of a given day is decided by the combination of eight characters, made up of four zodiacal animals and four heavenly stems - forming four pillars. So why am I telling you all this?

Well, every digital medium known to man, will be streaming, showing, posting, talking or scheduling something relating to the Royal wedding on 19th May 2018. When you’re in the business of helping clients choose an appropriate date to various occasions, including getting wed, curiosity sets in and you check the chart. I was surprised to see that Harry and Meghan’s chosen day, isn't ideal for a marriage, according to the wisdom of the Tong Shu! The day contains a clash between the Metal Pig day and the Fire Snake month. And it’s a Destruction day - let’s just say Marriage doesn’t make the auspicious activities cut.

Of course there are many more factors to consider; like looking at their Bazi charts (Chinese astrology natal charts). Bazi is read in four Pillars (column) format and the system also allows for 10 yearly analysis, which hints at potential troubles later down the line. Doom aside, if you’re a believer in ‘fairy godmothers’ or Noblemen, as they are called in Bazi - then Harry has a Noble Serpent of sorts looking over him, when he chose to get married in the month of May, as it’s a Snake month. The Western cosmological skies also hints at a fiery road ahead - their wedding date is set to square with malefic fixed star Algol.** Be sure to read the Post Script below - unbelievably accurate.

Too late to change now, the date is set. So it begs the question, what can you do tomorrow if you’re not getting married (or Royal watching). Well, it’s a great day to get your hair coloured or chemically treated, watery Cancerian Moons are great for enhancing the effect! And while your sitting in the coiffeur’s throne it’s a great day to get a trim or a cut to encourage faster growth, as it's a New Moon cycle.

Or if you fancy a spot of gardening, plant your leafy greens. On the other hand if you really want to work with the Tong Shu's assigned energies of the day -  it’s an ideal day to demolish - anything! So grab a sledge hammer and start knocking down that dividing wall - assuming it’s not a load bearing wall, you’re wearing safety gear and you have consulted a Feng Shui consultant first! More details on choosing an Auspicious date for an event, can be found here

** POST SCRIPT _ at the time of writing a warm and fuzzy Royal wedding buzz was palpable around the globe. I was cautious not to deliver negative spin, especially when a couple are due to be wed. So, I chose not to include the Chinese Lunar mansion system, another date selection tool. As it turns out it was rather revealing, incredibly precise and accurate; all on it’s own without the use of any other date selection systems. The wedding date fell on the 10th Lunar Mansion of the ‘The Weaving Maiden’ - overall it’s deemed inauspicious. But when we decipher the meaning, it’s eye-wateringly accurate. Some texts don’t interpret the specifics and just say ‘it’s a warning of conflicts with family’ - which turns out to be bang on. But the devil really is in the detail. The classic translation could be verbatim for what’s unfolded. If you “build on such a day, it will be very damaging to the charm of pretty women and make brothers quarrel among themselves. Marriages will cause luck to disappear and oblige the family to emigrate……..” Nope, I didn’t make this up….. incredibly accurate!

Question - in light of this grim translation of this particular lunar manison, would you prefer to hear it like it is or cherry coat?

See this gallery in the original post